spanishforchristianservice House 2023-04-25T16:16:02-07:00 spanishforchristianservice House 2023-04-25T16:16:02-07:00 2023-04-25T16:16:02-07:00 Woven Fabric Bedding 5-Piece Set (Duvet Cover, Fitted Sheet, Flat Sheet, Pillow Cases x2) B+ Organic

Vendor: B+ Organic
Price: 525.00 - 635.00 (3 variants)

We are constantly researching the best bedsheet fabric to sleep in. We believe “The best bedding set is one where user can sleep naked in it.”

To improve sleeping quality, our manufacturing standard for softness and durability is 20% beyond the industry standard. Made from 100% GOTS-certified cotton and natural dye, which ensure our beddings are breathable. absorbent, ultra soft, smooth, anti-bacterial, and with zero Chemicals.

We also have a unique fabric that is made with a combination of linen and organic cotton, taking the best of both materials. This fabric provides the breathability of linen and the comfort of cotton. making it the best fabric to help users fall asleep.

 - King /Queen / Twin

Bedding Bedding Set home preorder King / Grey 635.00 BLRBG220200142A 0 Queen / Grey 590.00 BLRBG220200142A 0 Twin / Grey 525.00 BLRBG220200142A 0 2023-04-25T16:11:14-07:00 2023-04-25T16:11:14-07:00 Knitted 5-piece Bedding Set (Duvet Cover, Fitted Sheet, Flat Sheet, Pillow Cases x2) B+ Organic

Vendor: B+ Organic
Price: 310.00 - 385.00 (6 variants)

We are constantly researching the best bedsheet fabric to sleep in. We believe “The best bedding set is one where user can sleep naked in it.”

To improve sleeping quality, our manufacturing standard for softness and durability is 20% beyond the industry standard. Made from 100% GOTS-certified cotton and natural dye, which ensure our beddings are breathable. absorbent, ultra soft, smooth, anti-bacterial, and with zero Chemicals.

We also have a unique fabric that is made with a combination of linen and organic cotton, taking the best of both materials. This fabric provides the breathability of linen and the comfortability of cotton. making it the best fabric to help users fall asleep.


-King / Queen / Twin

- Khaki Stripes | Green Stripes

Bedding Bedding Set home preorder Khaki Stripes / King 385.00 BPST230106033 0 Khaki Stripes / Queen 345.00 BPST230106033 0 Khaki Stripes / Twin 310.00 BPST230106033 0 Green Stripes / King 385.00 BPST230106033 0 Green Stripes / Queen 345.00 BPST230106033 0 Green Stripes / Twin 310.00 BPST230106033 0